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1 7.67/10 Планы уроков для преподавателей английского, удобный поиск по теме материала. 2 6.67/10 Да, старый интерфейс. Да, много парней…

What are B levels?

In the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) these are the intermediate or transitional levels. B1 is the ability to use spoken and written communication and B2 is the ability to use the language for private and professional purposes, to read, watch and listen to important and interesting things and to express yourself on topics which are important to you, even if they are difficult and controversial. The peculiarity of the B levels is a large volume of speech and, as a result, a large number of various mistakes and inaccuracies. The main part of work at this level is to learn to notice these mistakes and inaccuracies and to make sure that they do not interfere with the correct understanding and transfer of thoughts.

What are the key skills at Level B?

  • Qualitative vocabulary and grammatical development: qualitative doesn’t mean good, it means thorough, not quantitative. When learning new words and constructions, it is important to pay attention to shades of meaning, how a word or grammar behaves in context. It’s important to take your time, not to flick through topics and word lists like nuts, but to immerse yourself in them.
  • The ability to think in English and speak with confidence: English speakers and Russian speakers think differently, this is a fact known to students since level A. It is very important not only to know this as a rule or a law, but to train – to listen to natural speech, to think about it, to learn to say exactly what you want to say, to correctly put the semantic and emotional accents in speech.
  • What are the A-Levels?

    In the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) these are the initial levels. A0 – learning from scratch, A1 – the ability to formulate simple thoughts about yourself and the world around you and have predictable dialogues, A2 – adding the ability to talk about the past, make plans for the future and communicate in spontaneous, unpredictable situations.

    What skills are key at A levels?

  • Constructive thinking: this is the skeleton on which a student will string new words, expressions, and grammatical constructions throughout the years. Without the ability to construct English sentences, and not “tracing” Russian, to reach the C level, the advanced and professional knowledge of the language, is impossible.
  • Ability to hear, analyze speech and pronounce your thoughts correctly. It is not enough to memorize words, train your perky speech and witty answers, you should be able to hear what question you were asked. That’s why we develop hearing from A0 level. Sometimes a student says, “I have bad hearing, I can’t hear. I always answer: “And what have you done to develop your hearing? English, pronunciation and listening is like a sport. The more you practice, the better and more enjoyable you get.
  • As a teacher, I want my lessons to be interesting and memorable. In achieving this goal, I am helped by news sites, specialized materials for students in various professions, and other resources that I would like to share.

    Having worked as an English teacher for more than five years, I have constantly been faced with the need to find good resources with materials suitable for different ages and levels of students. In this regard, I would like to share with colleagues some useful resources and find new ones.

    I’ve been working online for four years now, and in that time I’ve tested a lot of resources to see how to make online learning as effective or even more effective than offline. Technology is especially helpful for practicing listening and pronunciation. I think you can see that in my selection!

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