Glassdoor – Company reviews and job listings in English

  • Content Quality – 7.8/10
  • Usability – 6/10
  • Efficiency – 5.1/10
  • Value for money – 4.4/10
Comments Rating 9.5/10 (1 review)

Pros and Cons of Glassdoor

👍 Access to Company Reviews and Interviews: Helps learn specific vocabulary and phrases used in a professional environment.
👍 Sample Interview Questions: Allows preparation for English language interviews by practicing responses to common questions.
👍 Salary and Corporate Culture Information: Broadens knowledge about work culture in English-speaking countries.

👎 Information in English: Requires good English proficiency to understand the content.
👎 Lack of Structured Learning Materials: Does not provide educational resources for systematic English learning.

What is Glassdoor?

Glassdoor offers information on companies, employee reviews, salary data, and job listings. Using this resource helps improve reading and comprehension of professional English vocabulary.

Recommended sections of Glassdoor

How to use Glassdoor?

1. Job Search: Use Glassdoor to search for job listings in English to practice reading and understanding professional descriptions.
2. Reading Reviews: Read employee reviews of companies to familiarize yourself with professional vocabulary and understand job expectations.
3. Studying Salaries: Explore salary information to get acquainted with economic terms and compensation standards.
4. Analyzing Interview Questions: Study real interview questions to prepare for potential questions in English language interviews.
5. Practicing Responses: Practice your responses to typical interview questions by recording and analyzing them for improvement.
6. Creating a Profile: Create and complete your profile in English to enhance your writing skills.
7. Interview Preparation: Use Glassdoor’s resources for interview preparation, including tips on conducting interviews and examples of successful responses.

Details of Glassdoor



Content type


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Content language

Recommended level

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Native speaker



British or American English

Reviews of Glassdoor by teachers

Pros and Cons of Glassdoor

👍 Access to Company Reviews and Interviews: Helps learn specific vocabulary and phrases used in a professional environment.
👍 Sample Interview Questions: Allows preparation for English language interviews by practicing responses to common questions.
👍 Salary and Corporate Culture Information: Broadens knowledge about work culture in English-speaking countries.

👎 Information in English: Requires good English proficiency to understand the content.
👎 Lack of Structured Learning Materials: Does not provide educational resources for systematic English learning.

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