English-e-Reader.net – E-books for learning English

  • Content Quality – 7.4/10
  • Usability – 5.3/10
  • Efficiency – 4.2/10
  • Value for money – 6/10
Comments Rating 9.63/10 (1 review)

Pros and Cons of English-e-Reader.net

👍 Adapted Books: The platform offers adapted books for various levels of English proficiency, helping to improve reading skills.
👍 Audiobooks: Includes audio versions of books, aiding in the improvement of listening skills.
👍 Free Access: Most materials are available for free, making them accessible to a wide range of users.

👎 Limited Number of Interactive Exercises: The platform does not offer additional exercises for comprehension checks.
👎 Main Focus on Reading: Less emphasis on grammar and speaking practice.

What is English-e-Reader.net?

English-e-Reader.net provides e-books for English learners, organized by difficulty levels, helping to choose appropriate materials for self-study reading.

Recommended sections of English-e-Reader.net

How to use English-e-Reader.net?

1. Choosing a Level: Determine your English proficiency level and select appropriate books.
2. Reading E-books: Read e-books in English, paying attention to new words and phrases.
3. Using a Dictionary: Use a dictionary to translate and understand unfamiliar words.
4. Downloading Books: Download books for offline reading to have access to materials anytime.
5. Taking Notes: Keep notes of new words and expressions for further study.
6. Regular Practice: Set a goal to read a certain number of pages each day.
7. Participating in Discussions: Join forums and discussions on the site to share your impressions and get recommendations.

Details of English-e-Reader.net





Recommended level

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Content type



Content language

Native speaker

British or American English

Reviews of English-e-Reader.net by teachers

Pros and Cons of English-e-Reader.net

👍 Adapted Books: The platform offers adapted books for various levels of English proficiency, helping to improve reading skills.
👍 Audiobooks: Includes audio versions of books, aiding in the improvement of listening skills.
👍 Free Access: Most materials are available for free, making them accessible to a wide range of users.

👎 Limited Number of Interactive Exercises: The platform does not offer additional exercises for comprehension checks.
👎 Main Focus on Reading: Less emphasis on grammar and speaking practice.

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