Polina Gantman – Advanced English course

  • Content Quality – 5.2/10
  • Usability – 4/10
  • Efficiency – 7/10
Comments Rating 7.5/10 (1 review)

Pros and Cons of Polina Gantman

👍 Specialized Course on Technical Writing: Provides targeted training in technical writing skills in English, crucial for professionals in technical fields.
👍 Practical Assignments and Examples: The course includes numerous exercises that help improve writing skills and understanding of technical documents.
👍 Accessibility and Ease of Use: Course materials are available online, allowing for study at a convenient pace and at any time.

👎 Good English Proficiency Required: Successful completion of the course requires a good command of English.
👎 Limited Interactivity: The course may include a lot of theoretical material that can be challenging to absorb without practical application.

What is Polina Gantman?

This course on Stepik.org is aimed at advanced levels, including complex grammatical structures and in-depth language studies.

Recommended sections of Polina Gantman

How to use Polina Gantman?

1. Course Familiarization: Visit the course page to familiarize yourself with its structure and objectives.
2. Video Viewing: Watch video lectures to gain theoretical knowledge.
3. Performing Lab Work: Apply the knowledge gained in practice by performing lab tasks.
4. Interaction with Instructors: Ask questions to instructors through the comment system or in forums.
5. Taking Exams: Confirm your knowledge by taking midterm and final exams.

Details of Polina Gantman



British or American English

Content type



Content language

Recommended level

, , , ,

Native speaker


Reviews of Polina Gantman by teachers

Pros and Cons of Polina Gantman

👍 Specialized Course on Technical Writing: Provides targeted training in technical writing skills in English, crucial for professionals in technical fields.
👍 Practical Assignments and Examples: The course includes numerous exercises that help improve writing skills and understanding of technical documents.
👍 Accessibility and Ease of Use: Course materials are available online, allowing for study at a convenient pace and at any time.

👎 Good English Proficiency Required: Successful completion of the course requires a good command of English.
👎 Limited Interactivity: The course may include a lot of theoretical material that can be challenging to absorb without practical application.

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